We live in a microwavable society, where everything is almost readily available. We want the right job now, the right mate now, the right kind of sex now, the right anything right NOW. In a sense we have become our own fast food chain, feeding ourselves the temporary and quick satisfaction as opposed to stopping and truly smelling the flowers. Think about how fast food compares to a slow cooked meal. Fast food’s benefit is how quickly it’s done, but does it really taste fulfilling at the end of the day? Does your body feel thoroughly satisfied throughout the day? As opposed to slow cooked. The food takes time, love, and preparation. It requires patience and the ability to wait for things to come perfectly together. When you finally indulge every last flavor excites your mouth and fulfills your tummy. This should be the outlook on life.
I must admit I was a “fast food” junky. I like to say that I was the originator of, “It’s my money and I want it now!” Since I was 14 I’ve consistently worked two jobs as well as tutoring, doing hair, and coaching as a side hustle, all to make the C.R.E.A.M. Yet, I came to realize that the temporary satisfaction I gained from getting tid for tats of money here or there was not what I wanted for myself. I was going through multiple jobs instead of building towards my career. So I put it down, completely and I mapped out my career.
I’m doing some things my family would faint over. I decided that I’m not going to graduate school ( I think I just heard my mother faint). When I signed up for the GRE the second time I thought I was doing the right thing for me. I was going through the motions get your bachelors then get your masters then get a good job. I realized it wasn’t meant for me when one of my sorority sisters asked me, “Have you studied for it?” My response,” Nope I have 2 books on how to ace this thing and I have yet to crack them open,” mind you she asked me this two weeks before my scheduled test date. A career should be something you love, and a job should be something that gets you towards that true love. None of my 9-5s were getting me to my true love.
So I prepared my soul’s meal that I knew would fulfill my spirit. I picked out key ingredients (people, places, materials) arranged my recipe for success (making my plan), put them all together and let it slow cook. My investment of hard work, time, TRUE FULL TIME commitment, and all emotions I will experience are the spices of my dream dish, they flavor it, and make it taste that much better when it’s done.
So you can have the fast food and see just how internally healthy it makes you. But me honey, I’m taking it nice and slow. Bon appetite!
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